16 January 2025 – 31 March 2025
Time is precious because it is finite and irreversible.
Does everybody have an equal amount of time? Why doesn’t it seem to be enough? Why is happiness short-lived, but misery is so long-lasting, or is time actually unequal according to Buddhist cosmology, as well as Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity? Observing the rotation of surroundings and noticing the pattern and mechanism of nature which was considered the rule of the universe called “time”, is such an abstract wonder that provokes one’s scepticism on its meaning and value. Meanwhile, Aristotle stated that time is just a number of changes.
Since the beginning, human beings had a biological clock long before the first clock was pioneered. Our inherent ambition has been trying to defy gravity by creating inventions and structures. Massive amount of intrusion caused by human activity is on its way, exceeding the limit, with great attention and time spent contemplating this specific issue, surrendering to the greatness of mother nature must be the ideal choice. We should not think about overcoming her, let her nurture us because our existence seems worthless as opposed to her contributions.
If we look back to when “Time” was just monitoring plant and animal behaviour or a transition from day to night and a changing of seasons, could we become harmonised with the rhythm of time that keeps on progressing without committing to the past and the future? If we only have just “one day and one night” to live our lives and have the same routine as how mother nature created us, could we come across this purest truth in another dimension?
Angkrit Ajchariyasophon (born in 1976 in Chiang Rai) creates an awareness of the essence of time through his study and his appreciation of nature that comes into his daily life, conveyed in his abstract paintings, resulting in landscapes that capture the most present moment. The artworks elaborate on the disharmony of the surroundings and the conflicts in the environment represented through the spectrum of colours that are both visible and invisible in the wild. At first glance, one might see the use of similar patterns, reflecting the routine of nature with repetition and cycles. However, upon closer inspection, one will find differences in details such as colour, medium, texture, and traces that can be compared to the act of recording activities of seven billion individuals on Earth, under the law of nature.
One Day and One Night paves the way for us to share our possibilities of every visual element seen on canvas. Let our eyes absorb the emotions, interpret the narrative with each own experience and perception to look thoughtfully for “time” that we have distanced ourselves from. In the hope that we will become synchronised with nature again, in our lifetime.